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The Game Theorist's Guide to Parenting


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“I absolutely loved this book, both as a parent and as a nerd.” —Jessica Lahey, author of The Gift of Failure

As every parent knows, kids are surprisingly clever negotiators. But how can we avoid those all-too-familiar wails of “That’s not fair!” and “You can’t make me!”? In The Game Theorist’s Guide to Parenting, the award-winning journalist and father of five Paul Raeburn and the game theorist Kevin Zollman pair up to highlight tactics from the worlds of economics and business that can help parents break the endless cycle of quarrels and ineffective solutions. Raeburn and Zollman show that some of the same strategies successfully applied to big business deals and politics—such as the Prisoner’s Dilemma and the Ultimatum Game—can be used to solve such titanic, age-old parenting problems as dividing up toys, keeping the peace on long car rides, and sticking to homework routines.

Raeburn and Zollman open each chapter with a common parenting dilemma. Then they show how carefully concocted schemes involving bargains and fair incentives can save the day. Through smart case studies of game theory in action, Raeburn and Zollman reveal how parents and children devise strategies, where those strategies go wrong, and what we can do to help raise happy and savvy kids while keeping the rest of the family happy too.

Delightfully witty, refreshingly irreverent, and just a bit Machiavellian, The Game Theorist’s Guide to Parenting looks past the fads to offer advice you can put into action today.

Download The Game Theorist's Guide to Parenting Book

the game theorists gu to parenting how the science of the game theorists gu to parenting will teach you useful strategiesom the world of game theory to add to your parenting repertoire. even game theorists will marvel at raeburn and zollmans ability to elucidateep as and turn them into practical rules of thumb for raising children.
the game theorists gu to parenting paul raeburn jessica lahey author of the new york times bestseller the gift of failure how the best parents learn to let go so their children can succeed the game theorists gu to parenting will teach you useful strategiesom the world of game theory to add to your parenting repertoire. even game theorists will marvel at raeburn and zollmans ability to elucidateep as and turn them into practical rules of thumb for raising children.

the game theorists gu to parenting how the science of the game theorists gu to parenting applies the strategies of game theory to various parenting scenarios to offer tips and advice through humorous anecdotes and various experiments that the authors did in game theory.

the game theorists guide to parenting kirkus reviews by paul raeburn kevin zollman release date april 5 2016 game theory strategies to handle everyday parental quandaries especially the unpleasant variety. for those who cannot quite grasp the significance of the prisoners dilemma then game theory may seem a rarefied gu to parenting.

amazon the game theorists gu to parenting how in the game theorists gu to parenting journalist paul raeburn and game theorist kevin zollman pair up to highlight tacticsom the worlds of economics and business that can help parents break the endless cycle of quarrels and ineffective solutions. they show that some of the same strategies successfully applied to big businessals and politics such as the prisoners dilemma and the ultimatum game can be used to solve such titanic ageold parenting problems as dividing up toys .

raeburn/zollman the game theorists gu to parenting the game theorists gu to parenting is a lighthearted look at some of themon problems of parenting managing sibling conflict getting kids to clean up their rooms making faircisions and others.

the game theorists gu to parenting paul raeburn in the game theorists gu to parenting the awardwinning journalist and father of five paul raeburn and the game theorist kevin zollman pair up to highlight tacticsom the worlds of economics and business that can help parents break the endless cycle of quarrels and ineffective solutions.

game theorists gu to parenting kevin j.s. zollman the game theorists gu to parenting will teach you useful strategiesom the world of game theory to add to your parenting repertoire. even game theorists will marvel at raeburn and zollmans ability to elucidateep as and turn them into practical rules of thumb for raising children.

kevin zollman writes the game theorists gu to parenting in the game theorists gu to parenting theymonstrate how parents can harness the science of strategic thinking to keep the peace with their kids. through case studies each chapter addresses specific issues that pop up at variousvelopmental stages starting at 5 years old and continuing through the teens.


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