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52 Tips for Fathers


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52 Tips for Fathers by DadsUNI is a parenting self-help eBook that is designed specifically to assist young fathers in developing effective long-term fathering strategies. This eBook provides insights and strategies in four main areas of family life: Relational; Structural; Environmental and Spiritual. It is full of practical tips, suggested actions and real-life testimonies from successful fathers around the world. All teachings are based upon scriptural teachings in the Bible. 52 Tips for Fathers was designed to give young fathers 1 Tip each week to focus on with the aim of transforming their parenting skills over the period of a year. (52 weeks) The book is also filled with images of loving fathers and their children.

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52 tips for fathers ebook by dadsuni 9781370200375 52 tips for fathers by dadsuni is a parenting selfhelp ebook that issigned specifically to assist young fathers inveloping effective longterm fathering strategies. this ebook provs insights and strategies in four main areas of family life relational structural environmental and spiritual.


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